Joint ultrasound

Ultrasound examination of the joint and surrounding structures is a non-invasive diagnostic method that, with the help of ultrasound waves, gives an image of muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. It is used in the detection of sprains, sprains, clefts and other changes in soft tissues. The examination lasts 15-30 minutes and, if necessary, longer.


• To detect inflammation or cleft tendons, muscle clefts, tumor masses on the muscle or fluid collection, ligament damage.
• To detect inflammation or the presence of fluid in the joint.
• To detect early joint changes in rheumatoid arthritis.
• In order to detect benign and malignant soft tissue tumors.
• Depending on the reason for the ultrasound examination of the joint and surrounding soft tissues, you will need to sit or lie down during the examination. In order to see the appearance of joints, muscles, tendons or ligaments from different angles, it may be necessary to change the position or position of the body being examined during the examination.
• The doctor places a special gel on the surface of the ultrasound probe. A probe is a small plastic device that sends and receives ultrasonic waves and mounts on a patient’s wrist. The gel has the role of improving the conductivity of ultrasonic waves and eliminating air between the skin and the probe.


Ultrasound imaging of the joint and surrounding soft tissues is a completely safe and painless method that carries no risk.


No preparation required for recording.


You can get back to your normal daily activities right away.