Biopsy and puncture of bone marrow

Bone marrow puncture and biopsy are diagnostic procedures by which a part of the bone marrow is taken and sent to the laboratory. They are always performed in one act and provide detailed information on the condition of the bone marrow and blood cells. Bone marrow is a soft tissue found in the bone cavity. The procedure lasts 30 minutes.


• For the purpose of detecting a disease or condition that affects the bone marrow or surrounding bone.

• In order to determine the stages of certain diseases, monitor the effects and success of the therapy.

• In order to investigate the disorders in the metabolism of iron.

• In order to investigate the causes of fever (unclear febrile state).

This procedure is used in the diagnosis of the following diseases:

• anemia

• conditions in which there are too many / too few blood cells (leukopenia, leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytosis, pancytopenia, polycythemia).

• cancer of the blood cells or bone marrow (leukemia, imfoma or multiple myeloma).

• cancer that has spread to the bone marrow.


First, puncture is done and then bone marrow biopsy.

• The procedure is most often performed in local anesthesia. You will be conscious all the time. The procedure can also be performed in short-term general intravenous anesthesia, when you will not be conscious during the procedure.

• Performed by making a small cut on the skin, through this cut a hollow needle is inserted that passes through the bone to the bone marrow. With the help of syringes located at one end of the needle, the doctor retracts the fluid from the bone marrow. At that moment you may experience short pain or burning. It is possible to take several bone marrow samples. After performing the procedure, the doctor will put pressure on the part of the bone from which the bone marrow is taken and place the bandage over that place.


• This is a safe procedure, and complications occur rarely.

• Some of the possible complications are: bleeding (especially in people with a small number of platelet platelets); infection (especially in people with impaired immune system); discomfort at the site of biopsy; piercing the bone.


• Special preparation is usually not necessary.

• Tell your doctor about the medicines you are taking (some medicines increase the risk of bleeding after bone marrow biopsy).


• If the procedure is performed in local anesthesia, you can quickly return to normal daily activities if you feel good.

• If the procedure is performed in short-term general intravenous anesthesia, it is recommended that you do not operate the motor vehicle 24 hours after the procedure. Seven days after the procedure, you may feel uneasy or relieve pain at the site of the bone marrow sample.

• A biopsy should be placed at the biopsy site, which should be placed 24 hours after the biopsy. During this time, it is forbidden to leaven the bandage (you must not bathe or shower).

• Contact the Tesla Medical team if: you can not stop the bleeding from a biopsy site, you have a fever or a temperature, you have a redness or an island at the biopsy site for a long time after the procedure. Avoid strenuous physical activity for the next two days.