Liver biopsy

Liver biopsy is a procedure that takes a small portion of the liver tissue. The liver tissue sample is sent to the laboratory on a pathohistological (PH) analysis, which sets the final diagnosis of liver changes. The biopsy itself lasts a few seconds, but the entire preparation with procedure takes about 15 minutes.


• For the purpose of setting the final diagnosis of various diseases of the liver disease (benign or malignant tumor ..).

• In order to determine the severity of liver disease.

• In order to monitor the effects and effectiveness of therapy.

• For the purpose of monitoring liver condition after transplantation.


• The doctor will ask you to lie down and place your right hand over your head. By touching (palpation) or with the help of ultrasound your doctor will find a place to perform puncture and biopsy.

• After that, he will make a cut at the bottom of your chest to the right and insert a biopsy needle. When a doctor decides that the needle has entered the liver tissue, he will ask you to hold your breath, he will take a tissue sample, and pull the needle out.


• Rarely there is pain or discomfort after biopsy, bleeding, infection, or injuries to the surrounding area.


• Do not eat or drink 6 hours before the procedure.

• Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take in a regular therapy.

• You need to stop using Aspirin, Brufen, Nimulide, Diclofen and other drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs before the biopsy.

• If you are taking medicines that prevent blood clotting (Aspirin, Plavix, Clopidix, Farin, Sincum, Sintra, Pradaxa, Xarelto, Eliquis, Fraxiparin), consult your doctor about correcting the dose of the medicine before the procedure.


• It is recommended that you come to the procedure accompanied by a family member or a friend and that you do not operate a motor vehicle after the procedure.

• You need to rest and do not go to work that day. Avoid lifting weight in the next week.

• After a week, you can return to your usual activities.