Fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB)

Needle biopsy of the thyroid gland is a procedure that takes a small part of the thyroid tissue to be examined under a microscope and sets the final diagnosis of the disease or changes to this gland. The procedure lasts about 30 minutes.


• Used to examine the origin of the “nodes” on the thyroid gland.

• It represents an important method in distinguishing benign from malignant changes on the thyroid gland.


• For this procedure, a doctor uses a fine needle and an ultrasound device. Your doctor will ask you not to move, not to talk, not to swallow saliva or cough during the procedure.

• The ultrasound apparatus allows the physician to better understand the site on the thyroid gland from which he will take a sample of the tissue. The needle doctor enters the tissue of the thyroid gland, takes a small part of the tissue, draws the needle and sends the material to the laboratory. The pathologist looks at the material under the microscope and sets the final diagnosis.


• Complications of performing this procedure are rare (because the needle is extremely thin).

• It usually happens that there is swelling, redness / bruising, and the pain on the site from which the sample is taken (these interruptions cease after a few days).

• If after the procedure comes the swelling of the whole neck, a change in the voice, severe pain, difficulty breathing, you should immediately contact the medical team of Tesla Medical.

• Very rarely there is bleeding (severe bleeding is extremely rare).


• When scheduling this procedure, it is necessary to specify what medicines you take in regular therapy.

• In consultation with your doctor, you should temporarily discontinue the use of anti-clotting medications (Aspirin, Plavix, Clopidix, Farin, Sincum, Sintra, Pradaxa, Xarelto, Eliquis).

• It is necessary to complete a complete blood picture and blood clotting tests before performing the procedure.

• Bring your previous medical records (if any).