MDCT colonography

Multidetector scanner colonography is a non-invasive diagnostic method that provides a detailed and precise indication of the inside of the colon by making a large number of images from multiple cross-sections. Used in early detection of colon cancer, and may also be a substitute for invasive colonoscopy (only with the permission of a doctor). The test lasts 10-15 minutes.


• For the purpose of early detection of colon cancer (for people who are over 50 years old and do not have an increased risk of developing this cancer).

• Instead of invasive colonoscopy in subjects not motivated (with the permission of a doctor).

• For subjects with an increased risk of exposure to invasive colonoscopy (elderly and persons with heart disease) or obstruction of the intestinal passage.


• During the examination, you will lie on the examination bed (in the position where your knees will be near the chest). The catheter is placed in the final part of the colon and filled with air or carbon dioxide. Air or carbon dioxide makes it easy to create a clear picture of the colon and can create a feeling of pressure in the stomach. The preview item will move to the scanner machine, and the machine will rotate around you and make pictures from different angles.

• In the second part of the examination, the doctor will ask you to lie on your back and your stomach. Sometimes a contrast medium is required for recording.


• The radiation dose that you will be exposed during this examination will not lead to serious complications.

• Very rarely, a injury of colon wall (perforation) occurs when the hose is filled with carbon dioxide or air.


• In order to adequately perform a scanner colonoscopy, the colon should be free of the contents, which can be achieved by the use of drugs that empty the intestines and the diet. Preparation begins 24 hours before the review. Plan your obligations because it is necessary that you spend the day before the colonoscopy is near the toilet.

• You should not eat solid food before the procedure. You can drink non-alcoholic, clear drinks: clear soups, clear fruit juices, tea, water. Avoid red beverages. Do not eat or drink anything before the procedure. You can take your medication with a small amount of water.

• Fortrans powder is most commonly used for the preparation, as follows: Dissolve two Fortrans powders in 2 liters of water and start drinking at 10:00 in the morning. You should drink this amount of liquid in the next 2-2.5 hours. Emptying the colon begins 1-2 hours after you have drunk Fortrans. At 18:00, dissolve two more Fortrans powders in 2 liters of water and drink for another 2-2.5 hours.

Report to the doctor all the medicines you take in regular therapy, because there may be a need to (temporarily stop taking certain medicines) (in consultation with the doctor).


After a review, you can return to your usual daily activities and nutrition. You may have a feeling of bloating that will stop after a few hours.